15 March 2007

The Beginning

Jesica applied to Cal State Fullerton today. I am such a proud husband. It is a little depressing though that she'll be done by the time she is 24 and I'll be done at 27...chalk one up for Jes!

In other news, on Tuesday night I went to listen to a world renown feminist, Gloria Steinem. I had never really been to a speech like that. I've sat in lectures at school and listened to students yell and crack jokes because the principle was being goofy, but I've never seen people act the way they did at this meeting. There were 3 different people that spoke their mind and then taken out in handcuffs. Here is what they did:

1. The first young man ran up to the stage with a clear plastic bag full of red and white cloth. As he poured them out on the stage next to Ms. Steinem he yelled that this was the blood of all the innocent children that she is a part of killing through abortion activism.

2. This gentleman threw a chair into the aisle as he screamed that we were all murderers. I was just there for extra credit - Gosh!

3. The third sat with a camcorder. He recorded everything and was making comments under his breath quite audibly. Anyway, as the other two guys were escorted out his outbursts became more frequent and more hostile. He was blocked off and on by a few large women who stood on chairs in front of him. This caused him to stand and those behind him to complain about him and those in his immediate view. Eventually he was escorted out.

I won't tell you what I though about Ms. Steinem's comments or the outbursts from fellow CSUSB students. What I will tell you is that I didn't even get extra credit for going...bummer. At least, I'm a little more well-rounded. Right?

1 comment:

Justin & Kamie said...

First of all- your webpage made me laugh.

Second- "blocked off by a few large women". Hilarious!

Third- My favorite Steinem quote goes something like “women without men are like fish without bicycles”- and then a few years later proceeded to get married- oh the hypocrisy of feminists.

Fourth- I have always had this secret desire to see Gloria Steinam and Ann Coulter go head to head....kind of like WWF debate style.

Oh, and totally understand the graduating thing. It could be worse though. Justin will graduate at 27 (like yourself) and I was finished at 21 :)