Any time I watch TV or hear the news about anything in Oklahoma, I get giddy. Yes, I said it: Giddy!
Just look at some of the most famous people from OK (and if you don't know them, let me slap you around):

If you don't know them - shame on you! However, some people you may not know yet are "representing" in current reality TV shows: American Idol and America's Next Top Model.
Alaina Whitaker from American Idol looks strangely similar to my personal favorite American Idol Winner (pictured above - and yes she is my personal favorite because she is from Oklahoma not just because she's attractive), but what is more incredible is that she, too, is from OK. She just lives further west than that blond bombshell did.

Then there is Amis from ANTM. She is actually from my home town!
I got home for lunch today and the first thing Jesica said to me was, "There is a girl on here from Bartlesville!" I didn't even take off my shoes. I just sat on the couch and scanned the women surrounding Tyra for someone I knew. I thought I might know her. Every time I go into the Super Wal-Mart I see at least 3 people I know...even after living in So Cal for 8 years!

There is a problem though. Not everyone in Bartlesville is like Amis. So, when she was shown to say some incredibly quirky things I was thoroughly embarrased, wishing that she hadn't given Bartlesville as her hometown. So, here is a shout-out to Amis:
If you don't like your hometown, say you're from somewhere else and save me the shame of having to explain why someone from there would be so full of condemnation for a city I love...jerk.