06 October 2008

Whitewater where?

You know that you're going somewhere in the middle of nowhere when you're aisle seat also happens to be a window seat. That was my thought anyway as I flew to Madison, WI where I then took a rental car to Whitewater, Wisconsin. I was right, but so mistaken.

As I took the 12 18 Hwy, and eventually just the 12, I learned some things about Wisconsin. Here are 7 of them:
1. Your barns aren't big enough if you can't fit your home inside of them.

2. If there isn't a Haunted Field, Haunted House, or Haunted Forest every 5 miles in October, you're missing something.

3. Corn fields work mysteriously well right next to pumpkin fields.

4. The Cheese Shrine in Fort Atkinson should be avoided...unless you like cheese!!!

5. Restaurants are strangely closed on Mondays.

6. There is nothing wrong with a beautiful Victorian with vacant fields 3 1/2 miles in either direction, as long as it fits in each of the barns behind it.

7. Everyone is really nice in this beautiful northern state, except that chick that made us get two scoops of ice cream when we only wanted one. What's up with that?

01 October 2008

A Real Day of Training

For Dan

Ft. Worth, TX
August 27th

6:00 am Wake Up, Shower, Shave
7:00 am Eat Breakfast in the hotel or McDonald's or Starbucks
8:00 am Arrive at building to set up projector and Powerpoint slides
8:06 am Place hand-outs on table for participants
8:20 am Introduce my self to participants and managers
8:30 am Begin training
10:15 am Fifteen minute break
10:30 am Train until lunch
12:00 pm Lunch at Sonic!!!!!
1:15 pm Start the afternoon of training
3:00 pm Break
3:15 pm Finish afternoon training
5:15-5:30 pm Wrap-Up training
5:30 pm Answer emails/questions on voicemail
6:15 pm Head to hotel to change/call Sweetheart if possible
7:00 pm Meet training participants/managers/directors for dinner
9:00-9:15 pm Arrive at HGI - check personal email and chill
11:15 pm - Hopefully speak with Sweetheart though CST is two hours later.
11:45 pm Sleep quickly to start again tomorrow