28 September 2007

The What?!?

I get one of these every week. It comes in the mail courtesy of our local newspaper (because I don't have a subscription) and has actually saved me some moolah on my vehicles. And with any luck, tomorrow it will give me an iPod Shuffle free of charge when I test drive a Kia in the IE!

(Though there are those around me that feel I don't need an iPod because I sing too much, too often, with too many songs always popping into my head as it is...)

Anyway, I post it here for one simple reason: when I see this I don't see Savings Express. Instead, I see three very different words and wonder how often an editor at the Press says, "Maybe we should rename this savings mailer. What do you think you, Cornelius?" or something to that affect...

Perhaps the Savings Express should be marketed with a locomotive or an express jet that carries you quickly to savings for Smog, insulated windows, free iPods, roofing, garage doors, cleaning of all kinds and other various sales or discounts. And it conveniently comes via my favorite USPS carrier.

Its just that I read it, as stated, differently:

Saving Sex Press
See what I mean?


Justin & Kamie said...

Ya' dirty!

Mofra said...


Unknown said...

Your just cheap!!!!
kinda like me....
No wonder we get along so well.