21 May 2007


So, after my nap and nap-blog yeserday, I started to do some homework. But I really just clicked that Next Blog link at the top of the page...and kept clicking it.

I came to the sad realization (again) that I am not a Blogger. I found all kinds of stuff. I don't have links, but here is a list of some of the most common and/or wacky topics I found (in no particular order, but numbered for your convenience):

1. Goofy Naked Children - some parent that loves to take pictures of their naked kids
2. People in Love with Animals - squirrels eating from a pizza box, a dog's travels, and a pet's blog - psycho...
3. A woman who Makes a Pair of Socks a Month - oh and there is a picture for each month's contribution.
4. Mormon Haters - Wow! I thought I found some of these serving a mission and have been reprimanded by even more since...apparently there are a lot more out there.
5. Christian Haters - Jerry Fallwell's death pulled them out of the closet...get it?
6. Homosexual Haters - Apparently, people have found it in themselves to hate from the last three numbers...wierd!
7. Sex craved citizens - If you choose not to see various body parts exposed be careful hitting that Next Blog link. I'm glad I've chosen not to take such pictures of myself and I think I'm a handsome man...
8. Burnt Tortillas - Yes, someone actually makes tortillas and shows before and after pictures (uncooked/cooked)...interesting, yes, but kind of like watching paint dry.
9. Beautiful Landscape Pictures - I'm kinda thinking that I should put some more of these up of Oklahoma.
10. Why Blog - This was actually helpful, though if you read it, you find that you don't really learn anything.
11. Geneology - Did you know that this is one of the fastest growing hobbies - have you read the last two scriptures in the Old Testament?
12. Poetry - I should write more of this, though my poetry is more Suessistic.
13. Travel Logs - Apparently, there are some people in the world that just travel and Blog about it - Oh the life!
14. My Blog - I think that I have no direction in Blogging. I hope that it makes someone smile though...that is, if I ever Blog. Maybe I use too much punctuation for anyone to really get it; perhaps punctuation detracts from the overall purpose of my posts?
15. And my favorite of the day - A new Fan!

So, here is to you Bloggers out there looking to make a name for yourself. Whether you're wasting time, avoiding homework, making money, or keeping in touch, you've made the world a better place - thank you kindly!

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