Professor of Rhetoric and seminary teacher and president of a college.
Wounded six times in six different battles and had six horses killed while riding them.
Shot through the hips from Right to Left.
Lt. Colonel, Colonel, Brigadier General, Brevet Major General, Govenor.
Recieved a Congressional Medal of Honor through the mail.
Knew the author of Uncle Tom's Cabin.
Are you close? At least there is a time frame and a location... Any guesses?
Here is a picture to help:
In the picture I can't tell if he is wearing blue or gray. HAHA.
That is a preety tight mustache.
I thought i was your HERO!!!!!
Donald Trump?
Just kiddin! How about Porter Rockwell?
How about J.R.Kimball?
Walt Disney's great-great bastard Grandfather?
oops, sorry. Can you say Bastard on e-mail?
Opps, said it again : )
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