26 October 2007

They Really Got the Point!

On the 28th of September I blogged about a flyer of businesses that was provided by the Press-Enterprise. I always thought that it said, Saving Sex Press. Well, it is quite possible that the beauties of modern technology led editors to my Blog (yeah, right!).

Consequently, I was extremely excited when, yesterday, I got the following in the mail:

Now, that says Savings Express! I'm glad that I've saved countless thousands from the faulty morality of the press!

24 October 2007

Video Killed the Radio Star

Saturday, the 27th of October, I start my very limited career in radio. You'll hear me and my boss's boss on the radio between 3pm and 5pm. Yes, on the radio - KTIE 590.

I'm the guy who hated to take voice lessons because you had to listen to your own voice. I didn't even like the short TV spot for Boy Scouts I did when I was a kid.
But this time around, I'm kind of excited, actually. You can find more information about the host here: Let's Dine Out. It was a lot to eat this evening, but I think the time on air will be well worth the cost of pounding down food. Tune in, because we'll be talking about the pictures below:

Yes, I tasted my fair portion of each of the dishes above...and it was free. On Saturday, I get to discuss what I thought of each of the platters...

Tune in for a good time, and maybe a laugh!

11 October 2007

In This Very Room

In this building, in the door to the right, I got my sleep on, in class tonight. It just wasn't as exciting as usual. It's a good thing, though, that the lecture hall for PSCI 203 (which, incidentally, is the same classroom where I took a class called Race and Racism) has tiny little pull-out-desks from between the seats. Perhaps you've seen the kind before. So, every time I would nod off with my chin in my palm and my elbow on the desk I would jerk violently downward...and wake up.

But amidst my dozing, I did hear some of my favorite parts of history. The Northwest Ordinance. The Louisiana Purchase. The Missouri Compromise. The Spanish-American War. Everything leading up to the Civil War. These men who compromised to appease the slave holders of the South really kept the country together amidst unspeakable odds.

Anyway, that's a little deep for this blog, so I return to Dr. Zentner and his ever lively comments.

6:04 "Don't get comfortable." Guess I missed this one while I was sleeping...oops!

6:16 "Let's say we combine California and Nevada...let's call it Californianevada."

6:25 "Don't push me too hard or I'll get in the fetal position and hide under the table." This was after a student brought up a theoretical nuclear explosion in Nevada that forced its inhabitant's out of the state. So, the question was whether or not Nevada would still be a state.

6:52 "It's a moot point. Do you know what I mean by a moot point?" Wow! This really is a Freshmen class if he has to explain that!

6:54 "That's why Arnold doesn't have his own army..." Not sure where that one came from. I had a head jerk at 6:53.

7:23 "My man, Napoleon...he's a sexy guy! I lie awake dreaming of Napoleon." This was after his discussion of arguably the best real estate purchase ever!

Finally, this was after our enlightenment about the Kurds:

7:29 "Are we going to Police all those who need our protection throughout the world? I SAY HE^& YEAH!"

10 October 2007


Freshman Political Science should be easy. So, when I took the midterm yesterday I was the second one finished. The only problem is that I hope that the questions that I know I got wrong don't come back to haunt me in any future endeavors in public administration.

Staying on topic (Political Science class - in case you forgot or lost interest), I have a timeline of wits of wisdom from my PS professor.

6:20 - Evan's late to class because of the 15 mile, 1 hour drive. Luckily, no comment.

6:25 - While speaking about the Small Republic Theory of government - "Here's where it gets esoteric and a little sexy."

6:37 - A discussion on why members of congress get paid - "You want congressmen to make more money so they don't get bribed."

6:45 - I'm not sure - "I'm getting confused; losing track of where I've been from day to day."

6:48 - Speaking of a student in the front row - "He's a murdering bastard and needs to be whacked...that's justice!"

6:53 - Telling us the difference between Federalists and anti-Federalists - "Madison's whole argument is like a pre-emptive strike against Marx's argument."

6:55 - Wondering why we have to spend so much time explaining the Constitution - "The 18th Century prose is sometimes hard for undergrads to understand."

7:12 - Speaking of Hitler and Marx and Freud and a bunch of other people - "Almost all of the bad ideas of the 20th century came out of Germany."

7:13 - I think this next one came from the discussion of Freud - "We're all involved in sex."

7:23 - A mere 10 minute span - "We're all stupid differently."

7:25 - A discussion on factions - "I wish I were a janitor; then I would be left alone. My whole goal in life is to be left alone."

7:29 - After telling us that Madison is a little Machiavelli and Napoleonic - "Napoleon kicked a%&. He would always kick a%&! Isolate the main body and crush them!"

7:39 - Yes, the protection of differing faculties is the first object of government - "I'm a bit of a crooner."

7:42 - He defined republics and democracies and how Madison favors republics - "Add this to your list of things to make you sound smart at a cocktail party."
7:45 - The explanation we came to class for - "You don't vote because you don't have to!"

Can you believe this guy? I think that I now know why he has asked us not to record his lectures...at least I don't fall asleep in this class!

01 October 2007

Just Once...maybe.

Do you know how almost every sitcom (or some other kind of trendy TV show) has at least one episode that is a musical? I think that almost every Blog at one point or another has a poem. I like that word: poem. I wish you could hear Emily Combs say, "Poem." I haven't heard anyone else say, "Poem," like she did. It was like "pohy-im". Funny stuff...

So, I've succumb and thought that I should post one of my favorite poems for you to read. Enjoy!

OUT of the night that covers me,

Black as the Pit from pole to pole,

I thank whatever gods may be

For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance

I have not winced nor cried aloud.

Under the bludgeonings of chance

My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears

Looms but the Horror of the shade,

And yet the menace of the years

Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,

How charged with punishments the scroll,

I am the master of my fate:

I am the captain of my soul.
--William Ernest Henley