Freshman Political Science should be easy. So, when I took the midterm yesterday I was the second one finished. The only problem is that I hope that the questions that I know I got wrong don't come back to haunt me in any future endeavors in public administration.
Staying on topic (Political Science class - in case you forgot or lost interest), I have a timeline of wits of wisdom from my PS professor.
6:20 - Evan's late to class because of the 15 mile, 1 hour drive. Luckily, no comment.
6:25 - While speaking about the Small Republic Theory of government - "Here's where it gets esoteric and a little sexy."
6:37 - A discussion on why members of congress get paid - "You want congressmen to make more money so they don't get bribed."
6:45 - I'm not sure - "I'm getting confused; losing track of where I've been from day to day."
6:48 - Speaking of a student in the front row - "He's a murdering bastard and needs to be whacked...that's justice!"
6:53 - Telling us the difference between Federalists and anti-Federalists - "Madison's whole argument is like a pre-emptive strike against Marx's argument."
6:55 - Wondering why we have to spend so much time explaining the Constitution - "The 18th Century prose is sometimes hard for undergrads to understand."
7:12 - Speaking of Hitler and Marx and Freud and a bunch of other people - "Almost all of the bad ideas of the 20th century came out of Germany."
7:13 - I think this next one came from the discussion of Freud - "We're all involved in sex."
7:23 - A mere 10 minute span - "We're all stupid differently."
7:25 - A discussion on factions - "I wish I were a janitor; then I would be left alone. My whole goal in life is to be left alone."
7:29 - After telling us that Madison is a little Machiavelli and Napoleonic - "Napoleon kicked a%&. He would always kick a%&! Isolate the main body and crush them!"
7:39 - Yes, the protection of differing faculties is the first object of government - "I'm a bit of a crooner."
7:42 - He defined republics and democracies and how Madison favors republics - "Add this to your list of things to make you sound smart at a cocktail party."

7:45 - The explanation we came to class for - "You don't vote because you don't have to!"
Can you believe this guy? I think that I now know why he has asked us not to record his least I don't fall asleep in this class!
Oh my gosh. The small republic theory being sexy? A pre-emptive strike against Marx? That is too good. I heart this professor.
See this is the reason you take this class on a saturday morning at a JC. go in after a night of heavy drinking and do group work. Thinking back on it now i have no clue how i got an A in that class!!!!
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