01 October 2008

A Real Day of Training

For Dan

Ft. Worth, TX
August 27th

6:00 am Wake Up, Shower, Shave
7:00 am Eat Breakfast in the hotel or McDonald's or Starbucks
8:00 am Arrive at building to set up projector and Powerpoint slides
8:06 am Place hand-outs on table for participants
8:20 am Introduce my self to participants and managers
8:30 am Begin training
10:15 am Fifteen minute break
10:30 am Train until lunch
12:00 pm Lunch at Sonic!!!!!
1:15 pm Start the afternoon of training
3:00 pm Break
3:15 pm Finish afternoon training
5:15-5:30 pm Wrap-Up training
5:30 pm Answer emails/questions on voicemail
6:15 pm Head to hotel to change/call Sweetheart if possible
7:00 pm Meet training participants/managers/directors for dinner
9:00-9:15 pm Arrive at HGI - check personal email and chill
11:15 pm - Hopefully speak with Sweetheart though CST is two hours later.
11:45 pm Sleep quickly to start again tomorrow

1 comment:

Daniel T said...

Beautiful! Thanks, I can sleep at night now! Seriously, thanks though, I love glimpses into other peoples' lives. We were waiting for this. (;

Hey, to answer the comment you posted on the video "about Prop 8" I posted on my blog:

Nothing to do with Prop 8? Well, in my opinion, the opposition to Prop 8 would like to couch their argument in the idea that this is a Civil Rights issue; they want to cast those of us who support 8 as the same sort of bigots who vehemently opposed giving African-Americans the right to vote in the mid 20th century. As the faithful gentlemen in the video make abundantly clear, this is not a fair stance in that there are fundamental differences between what some deem "gay rights" and the broad term "civil rights." In the end, however, I believe that their argument will win out and the two issues will merge. Until then, we must fight for divine institution of marriage.