07 August 2007

Core Competencies

This evening during my four hour class I woke up for 2 important concepts: Core Competencies and Distinctive Competencies.

Core Competency - something you are good at.

Distinctive Competency - something only you can do.

So, Mr. Donohoo stated that we are to defend Core Competencies as they may develop into Distinctive Competencies...like something that you've been doing and then patent. Anyway, he stated that his daughter has this great Core Competency that he thinks is so neat! It went like this:

"My daughter has this thing she does with a maraschino cherry. She puts the whole thing in her mouth, stem and all, and then spits out the stem after she has tied it in a knot with her tongue."

We all know people who can do this...everyone in the class knows what it means. I sure do because I can tie a stem with my tongue.
Foolishly, though, I was the only one that was brave enough to blurt out and shame the Profs daughter:

"That means she's a good kisser!"

Apparently, now that he knows my name and will never forget me, he is going home to have a conversation with his daughter.

At least I got a laugh from the class...


Unknown said...

OMG!!!! that is the worst class EVER!!!! At least you dont yell at another student "that's a cope out" and bring that person's work ethic to the forefront of the class. WOW!!!! and what's the deal picking on the daughter like that. could you imagine if Kyle was in our class....His comment would have been rated XXX, but we all would have had a good laugh.

K. Rex said...


Justin & Kamie said...


Mofra said...

Sweet...And that is on the list of things I don't want to know about!