28 September 2007

The What?!?

I get one of these every week. It comes in the mail courtesy of our local newspaper (because I don't have a subscription) and has actually saved me some moolah on my vehicles. And with any luck, tomorrow it will give me an iPod Shuffle free of charge when I test drive a Kia in the IE!

(Though there are those around me that feel I don't need an iPod because I sing too much, too often, with too many songs always popping into my head as it is...)

Anyway, I post it here for one simple reason: when I see this I don't see Savings Express. Instead, I see three very different words and wonder how often an editor at the Press says, "Maybe we should rename this savings mailer. What do you think you, Cornelius?" or something to that affect...

Perhaps the Savings Express should be marketed with a locomotive or an express jet that carries you quickly to savings for Smog, insulated windows, free iPods, roofing, garage doors, cleaning of all kinds and other various sales or discounts. And it conveniently comes via my favorite USPS carrier.

Its just that I read it, as stated, differently:

Saving Sex Press
See what I mean?

27 September 2007

My Recent Trade-Off

Before the 10 FWY on my way home this evening, I was full of vivacity, excited to come home and Blog like this:

Goodbye, Nathan's Famous and all the fun that the in-laws and I had watching a new world record on the 4th of July! And welcome back America's Favorite Hot Dog!

Yes, I've driven by you every morning on my way to work and every evening on my way to school, craving the succulent tastes that you so wonderfully push the boundaries of! I've laid you aside for a healthier lifestyle of Wendy's salads, a bi-weekly visit to Anchos, and the home-cooked meal. But I've put off a Mustard-Pretzel Dog and my cravings for your sacred tastes for much too long.

And that's why I visited your window this evening. I spoke with you through the call box and you asked me to pull forward and trade my mere pennies for delectable deliciousness. I could actually smell the scrumptious that I was about to partake of. In fact, I love that you aren't ritzy but have the accent of a beautiful vision South of the Border.

So, as I retrieved my ambrosia and pulled forward to leave a better man I was surprised that you summed me back to you with an urgent wave. Of course, this time I didn't suppress your beckoning call. I returned only to be asked to give my bag of goodness back. To my surprise you gave me the wrong feast of refreshment. But to my abundance of joy you informed me that I almost took home a salami creation made for a fellow enthusiast of your keen sense of flavor!

And then, as I almost left your presence with my Mustard Pretzel Dog and Bacon Chicken Sandwich with fries and a Mug Root Beer close to my side, I posed the question: "Does this petty mistake issue me a free ice cream cone?"

You said, "Yes!"

And it brought a tear to my eye. In fact, I'm all emotional inside, now, as I sit and type about our night of captivation.

And that is why I've said goodbye to eating contests and welcome back, to you, Weinerschnitzel!

That's how I planned it until the 10 Freeway.

As I sipped on my root beer, having already snarfed down the free ice cream, I reached into the bag (that I didn't double check this time) and reached for hot and steamy fries that weren't there. They weren't there. I can only assume they gave them to someone else and didn't stop them before they drove off. I can literally see the person in front of me in the drive-thru giggling because they got extra fries! Jerks!

My life changed on that overpass. It may be awhile before I return, but I can pose one question:

How many calories did I not consume in my trade-off of fries for an ice cream cone?

25 September 2007

Learn This, Mr. President

Perhaps you haven't heard that this is the end of undergraduate work for me...or at least until I decide to teach later in life (hah! like I'd get hired to teach).

Anyway, I'm taking the equivelent of Freshman Political Science: Political Science 203. So, we've started with the Declaration of Independence (as opposed to say the Magna Carta or the Mayflower Pact). I love this document and I'm glad that before we started discussing it, we discussed being open.

So, other than learning that there is an idiot in the front row, who can't put her hand down, who interjects incredibly annoying comments and asks ignoramous questions like "where can I find a copy of the Declaration of Independence" and "which book do we read from when your syllabus states: American: 'something'? Is that the Amercian government one or the California one?", here are some things that I jotted down in the first two class periods:

The Humane Society is not like PETA.

If there is no reason, there is no freedom. If there is perfect reason, there is no freedom. Only with man's imperfect reason is there freedom.




The movie 300 is really dipicting Spartans as all of Greece.

It's better to miss class for a sporting event or a concert than for work.

All truth is relative.

Before you can be critical, you have to be sufficiently open to learn

And finally, my professor looks like Lord Voldemort!

24 September 2007

The Last Day of Summer...Ever!

Last Wednesday, the 19th, I made a pact with myself. You see, I've only achieved straight A's a few times in my college career in any given semester/quarter and it was usually when I had three classes and two of them were music classes. So, on my last day of summer, ever, (because after December it is work, work, work, for a year and then MBA or Juris Doctorate or something which won't allow a summer and then work, work, work until retirement) I decided to get straight A's my last quarter in school!

I was totally excited! I went to school on Thursday and realized that the Freshman political science class that I've put off for so long is going to be incredibly easy! Yeah! I thought that I had it made...

Until today. So, far today I've purchased the following:

Oh, then I purchased the following book, this many times:
$150.00, and then $112.00 and finally $74.00 for these last three.
I didn't care about about the money even though all of them together were well, well a lot. What I do care about is the fact that this is my last freaking quarter at CSUSB and I have 10 books to read! 10!
What's up with that?

23 September 2007

The Reusable Jar

For the last few months we have had a jar on the hutch in our dining room where we have collected change and miscellaneous funding (a.k.a. - recycling, loose/found change, and penalties for saying words or phrases the other hates) in hopes of saving enough for a Digital Camera. It may sound funny, but it has helped our binge-spending and has us really excited about a new camera!

Yesterday, we got it! It wasn't terribly expensive, but it is a huge step above the family name reusable ones I've purchased since Jesica's camera was stolen. Amazingly, it's also better than the built in variety on a cell phone.

Now, the The Digital Camera Fund has become The Better Sucking Vacuum Fund. But don't worry, we still vacuum once a week and it still works wonderfully well - we'd just like an upgrade - and we're excited!