23 September 2007

The Reusable Jar

For the last few months we have had a jar on the hutch in our dining room where we have collected change and miscellaneous funding (a.k.a. - recycling, loose/found change, and penalties for saying words or phrases the other hates) in hopes of saving enough for a Digital Camera. It may sound funny, but it has helped our binge-spending and has us really excited about a new camera!

Yesterday, we got it! It wasn't terribly expensive, but it is a huge step above the family name reusable ones I've purchased since Jesica's camera was stolen. Amazingly, it's also better than the built in variety on a cell phone.

Now, the The Digital Camera Fund has become The Better Sucking Vacuum Fund. But don't worry, we still vacuum once a week and it still works wonderfully well - we'd just like an upgrade - and we're excited!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

how are you?

This post was interesting, how long did it take you to write?