24 September 2007

The Last Day of Summer...Ever!

Last Wednesday, the 19th, I made a pact with myself. You see, I've only achieved straight A's a few times in my college career in any given semester/quarter and it was usually when I had three classes and two of them were music classes. So, on my last day of summer, ever, (because after December it is work, work, work, for a year and then MBA or Juris Doctorate or something which won't allow a summer and then work, work, work until retirement) I decided to get straight A's my last quarter in school!

I was totally excited! I went to school on Thursday and realized that the Freshman political science class that I've put off for so long is going to be incredibly easy! Yeah! I thought that I had it made...

Until today. So, far today I've purchased the following:

Oh, then I purchased the following book, this many times:
$150.00, and then $112.00 and finally $74.00 for these last three.
I didn't care about about the money even though all of them together were well, well a lot. What I do care about is the fact that this is my last freaking quarter at CSUSB and I have 10 books to read! 10!
What's up with that?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Damn dude
i told you to take that poli sci class in the summer. i guess you wont be hanging out and kicking with us this quarter with all that crap you have to read.