15 June 2008

Shuttle Shuffle

This place is CRAZY!

Perhaps you've been here to fight the traffic, parking, people, lack of customer service and security. In addition to those nightmares, it also happens to be far, far away from my home. And when there is a flight at 6:00am that you can't miss, the drive (and everything else) seem so much nastier.

So, on Friday when I was dreading this early morning escapade through LA on Monday morning, my co-workers saved my bacon! They told me of this service (that apparently everyone knows about) that would pick me up whenever I wanted to make it to my flight on time, deliver me and my bags to the airport, and then pick me up when I got back to take me home!

Yes, Super Shuttle is the way to travel - to an airport like LAX. On the way there I slept from 1:15am to 2:30am in the van. I didn't even have to worry about parking or traffic! I then fell asleep on the floor (eww) next to the escalator that led to the security screening area, because they don't open until 4:00am. Jerks. I read and dosed off on the planes to my destination and arrived hungry, but not tired. Yea!

The way home was nice as well. I didn't sleep but met some interesting people! I met a newlywed lawyer for parents who lose their children to Social Services and a couple who had been in Europe for 24 days. And my work paid for it! Thank you kindly Super Shuttle!

Can I hear an "Amen?"

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