06 October 2008

Whitewater where?

You know that you're going somewhere in the middle of nowhere when you're aisle seat also happens to be a window seat. That was my thought anyway as I flew to Madison, WI where I then took a rental car to Whitewater, Wisconsin. I was right, but so mistaken.

As I took the 12 18 Hwy, and eventually just the 12, I learned some things about Wisconsin. Here are 7 of them:
1. Your barns aren't big enough if you can't fit your home inside of them.

2. If there isn't a Haunted Field, Haunted House, or Haunted Forest every 5 miles in October, you're missing something.

3. Corn fields work mysteriously well right next to pumpkin fields.

4. The Cheese Shrine in Fort Atkinson should be avoided...unless you like cheese!!!

5. Restaurants are strangely closed on Mondays.

6. There is nothing wrong with a beautiful Victorian with vacant fields 3 1/2 miles in either direction, as long as it fits in each of the barns behind it.

7. Everyone is really nice in this beautiful northern state, except that chick that made us get two scoops of ice cream when we only wanted one. What's up with that?

01 October 2008

A Real Day of Training

For Dan

Ft. Worth, TX
August 27th

6:00 am Wake Up, Shower, Shave
7:00 am Eat Breakfast in the hotel or McDonald's or Starbucks
8:00 am Arrive at building to set up projector and Powerpoint slides
8:06 am Place hand-outs on table for participants
8:20 am Introduce my self to participants and managers
8:30 am Begin training
10:15 am Fifteen minute break
10:30 am Train until lunch
12:00 pm Lunch at Sonic!!!!!
1:15 pm Start the afternoon of training
3:00 pm Break
3:15 pm Finish afternoon training
5:15-5:30 pm Wrap-Up training
5:30 pm Answer emails/questions on voicemail
6:15 pm Head to hotel to change/call Sweetheart if possible
7:00 pm Meet training participants/managers/directors for dinner
9:00-9:15 pm Arrive at HGI - check personal email and chill
11:15 pm - Hopefully speak with Sweetheart though CST is two hours later.
11:45 pm Sleep quickly to start again tomorrow

30 September 2008

A Day in the Office

Monday - two weeks ago

7:00 am Arrive at Airport
7:04 am Find that flight has been cancelled
7:51 am Arrive at counter in front of real estate agent
7:58 am Find that Airline has rescheduled my flight for tomorrow
8:06 am Plan to drive to another airport that has a flight close to my destination
8:08 am Invite the real estate agent that was behind me in line to pay me for drive to other airport
8:18 am Leave Airport
9:30 am Arrive at other Airport
11:00 am Finally find a parking place in the structure
11:05 am Eat brunch with real estate agent
12:15 pm Read in uncomfortable airport chair
1:15 pm Wake up from nap and read some more
2:05 pm Board flight to Chicago O'Hare
7:05 pm Arrive at the airport named for an incredible man
8:50 pm Find that flight has been delayed for an hour so watched Cowboys/Eagles
9:50 pm Flight is again delayed...pilots hadn't arrived
10:50 pm Flight still delayed...Cowboys win.
11:34 pm Pilots ready the plane after arriving from NE
12:02 am Plane lifts off
1:27 am Plane lands at MSP
3:29 am Arrive at Hampton Inn Rochester
3:40 am Fall asleep
6:30 am Wake
7:30 am Meet up and drive a new hire to New Hire Training
8:30 am Begin training New Hire materials

I actually felt like I had some of my best stuff in that day's training! And that's a day in my life as a trainer...

26 September 2008


I learned the best definition today:

Forgiving is letting go of the hope that you can change the past.

30 July 2008

She's Amazing

For those of you who don't know (you know the few of you that actually read this blog), Jesica is starting a new job today!


So, if you have her number, wish her luck as she embarks on a career in PR, as the wonderful writer and communicator we all know she is!

I know he hasn't met her yet, but I'm sure Tiger will be thrilled with his newest employee!

Way to go, Jesica!

BTW, Jes, I really wanted to call you a tiger, as in "Go get 'em tiger!" I just couldn't figure out how to make it work.

09 July 2008

I Need to Read!

Traveling has brought me opportunities to increase my vocabulary! At one time I thought that my word usage was indicative of my education, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized that because of the limited conversations I was having, my vocabulary was dwindling. Consequently, as I speak with fellow passengers on planes or just more people in general (because I'm training) I feel that my verbiage has increased.

While I'm wishing to increase my brain's lexicon, I don't particularly want to reduce my slang usage or the vernacular to which I've been accustomed to. I also don't want to do this just to sound smart, but rather to increase my knowledge so I don't stop learning. With my job, I need to make training interesting and I've found that trainers with larger vocabulary seem to have a better handle on the material as well.

Enough about work, though. The whole purpose of this post was to inquire of good books from any reader of this post. I've found that while I envelope myself in a book I seem to acquire some of the language contained therein. I have a list of 23 books that I've never read that I probably should have by now, but I could use some direction, if anyone out there has any!

Here is my list (and I apologize for a lack of links to a site where they can be purchased):

1984 - Orwell
Brave New World - Orwell
Darkness at Noon - Koestler
Candide - Voltaire
The Firm - Grisham
Inside the Whale - Orwell
A Voyage to Lilliput - Lang
Uncle Tom's Cabin - Stowe
Swim with the Sharks Without Being Eaten Alive - Mackay
The Civil War v.1-3 - Foote
General James Longstreet: Confederacy's Most Controversial Soldier - West
Memoirs of General W.T. Sherman - Sherman
Pale Horse at Plum Run - Leehan
God, Man, and Hollywood - Winchell
All of C.S. Lewis' Works

So, there you have it. My list to go through in the next year. I'm pretty sure I can make it. And I'm fairly certain the words used should help my increase my limited, OK/CA, slang-filled speech.

03 July 2008

Five Reasons and a Witness SB 33's a Waste

Two days ago, 1 July 2008, California got a new law. SB33, basically states the following (courtest of our DMV):

Motorists 18 and over may use a "hands-free device." Drivers under the age of 18 may NOT use a wireless telephone or hands-free device while operating a motor vehicle.

Otherwise, you better not be talking on the phone or you'll be fined $20 the first time and $50 every other time. If you come to visit, remember to bring your Bluetooth device that you just paid out the nose for, or the headset that tickles the side of your face while you're trying to have a serious conversation.

Now, CA is not the first state to have such a law, in fact, it is the 6th, but there are many problems with this law.

First, if you're dumb enough to get caught speaking on the phone, now that you know it is a law, you should be charged more than $20 for it. I mean, is it even worth the cops' time to pull you over for that?

Second, does this mean that I can still text while I'm driving? Heck yes! Wait, isn't that more dangerous than holding the phone to my ear? Just don't hold it to your mouth - you'll get pulled over for that, too, because you can't "chirp" back and forth with a Nextel radio.

Third, isn't dialing a number on the phone just as much a safety hazard as actually talking on the phone? I can't get pulled over for that either.

Fourth, if you were a lawmaker wanting to really change the habits of drivers wouldn't you actually make it a punishment? They don't even add points to the record of the vehicle operator.
Fifth, I plan on going to In-N-Out on Saturday and ordering a burger and fries and a strawberry shake. And I am going to eat it in my car - on my way home! Can't pull me over for that...can they?! I'm fairly certain that my greasy goodness will keep my attention better than a rectangular piece of technology!
So, there are five reasons this cell phone law is bogus. Let me tell you another.
Car 43. CA Exempt License number 1232717. Cruiser belonging to the Barstow Police Department. Officer driving down the 15 FWY, with a detainee in back while speaking on a red flip phone - with his hands!!
Have you ever been down the Cajon pass? It can be windy and hazardous and talking on the phone can only increase the likelihood of an accident, hence SB33. Shame on you Mr. Policeman for breaking the law that you are supposed to inforce!
Oh, and you'll have to forgive me because I have to take this next call since I'm typing this on my Blackjack on my way home from work...

30 June 2008

The Wrench in Our Plans

Jesica and I have plans!

We thought about Arkansas for the Holidays. We have a Cabo trip planned. We have a Europe trip in the works. We spoke with our realtor last week. Since I travel for work now or work remotely, we're looking at other places we could live (not that we're moving). We keep discussing kids because her schooling at its close (but again, this isn't an announcement).

We have plans and those listed above aren't even an eighth of them!

However, everytime we feel we're just to the point where we can move forward...something like this happens:

Yes, this is our Mitsubishi without a transmission! And without AC and without a horn. It seems that they all decided to stop within a week of one another. Horn, then AC, and finally the transmission. And that tow was crazy pricey!

However, with this HUGE setback, we can find hope in more than just the Gospel.

The Redlands Bowl is close! And it is free! Thank you kindly's go to Jesica for a wonderful weekend concert with Lorna Luft and the San Bernardino Symphony! Oh, I love John Williams music (he's an incredible genius) and it is so much better live! Thank you kindly, Sweetie for a great evening!

And Casey is as happy as he's ever been!

And we have each other!

Our plans will come together regardless of a broken, stupid, idiotic, oafish, expensive, dirty-rotten, insensitive, worthless, zany, hairbrained, expensive, absurd, moronic, fatuous, ridiculous, expensive, no-good transmission!

Let's make our plans happen!

29 June 2008

Another Conversation

I have a few handfuls of movies that I'd really like to share with Jesica! I know she'll like them, she just doesn't trust my judgement for some reason. She doesn't seem to appreciate my artistic view, so I'm always thinking of ways to trick her into watching movies that I like.

Today we were trying to figure out what to watch and this is how it went:

Jesica: Ev, Sweetie what do you want to watch this afternoon?

Evan: I don't know. I think that we should watch whatever you'd like to watch.

Jesica: Oh, but you've been gone all week. We should watch something you'd like to watch.

Evan: Well, to compromise, how about that one movie that has that one really hot guy that you like? I can't remember the name of the movie or the guy. It has that guy you like coming out of the water.

Jesica: Casino Royale?

Evan: Yeah! Let's watch that one!

Jesica: (Laughing histerically) Let's watch Pride and Prejudice!

So, we compromised and watched Made: I want to made into a Cheerleader.

Maybe someday...

Any ideas?

25 June 2008

Now I Know

I thought that the reason that no one frequents my Blog was because I seldom frequent my Blog.

I was wrong!

Apparently, my life could be told in a 4-page book:

Page 1 - Ode to My Mom

Page 2 - Jesica, the Love of my Life

Page 3 - Find a way to do as little work as possible...usually "Tom Sawyer style."

Page 4 - The End - Thank you kindly!

I was told this (rather awkwardly, actually) and had to pass it on!

I promise that I'll add a lot more; maybe an appendix will show all I've learned and I'll call the Appendix Eastman's World! Someday...

23 June 2008

The Eastman's Update

Dairy Queen may just be one of the greatest ice cream establishments in the United States! I can think of a few others before we get back to today's DQ story.

Braum's Ice Cream and Dairy Store - I am so glad that there is one of these just as you drive into Bartlesville from Tulsa!!! It totally makes the drive from the airport to B'ville worth it!

Granny's - Yes, a tear dropped from my eye when I read the previous link...though it may have opened again! Yeah!

Sonic: America's Drive-In - Oh, boy do I wish there was one closer than OC. However, it is probably a good thing that there isn't. I already need to drop 10 Lbs.

Baskin Robbins - 31 Flavors, though I've never seen that many in there?

Frost Bites - Riverside's Hidden Treasure!

Snelgroves - Also going away...jerks! But here is a picture for memories' sake:
Leatherby's - Thank you kindly to Troy Kimball (and family) for this introduction!

All of the Cold Marble Slab/Stone Places - No link, because they're all good!

And those frozen yogurt places (Pinkberry for instance) that really taste like yogurt that you can choose what to put on them - even Cap'n Crunch!

Okay, so I love Ice Cream...and I have a story for each of the above places, but I just wanted to mention how cute Jesica is with chocolate all over her from a hot day and a chocolate dipped ice cream cone!
That was sweet on so many levels!

19 June 2008

She Did It Again

I have really tried to stay to a posting every three days for the last 9 days (quite an accomplishment, eh?), but I had to Blog again today because Jesica has done it again!
Behold her creativity and additional presence on the web!
Way to go, Sweetheart!

18 June 2008

They Amazingly Overcame!

In two weeks civilization will go on as it does without much thought to an event that changed the history of the world 145 years ago. I have a great respect for men who fought to the death on that day in Pennsylvania. However, as I remember the bravery and honor of those men, I've decided to read The Civil War. I believe that I have owned it and lugged it around since it came out in Paperback 18 years ago - can you imagine that I actually wanted this book that young?

Anyway, as I was reading this book while on a plane recently and learned some crazy, crazy stuff!

"He was a compromise candidate, everyone's second choice in a convention dominated by more celebrated politicians, a moderate from the center of a moderate middlewestern state without which the new party stood little chance of victory."

Lincoln, the 2nd choice! What?

The next paragraph discusses the 40% of the popular vote that he won the election with and then quotes the Richmond Whig:

"[...the election of Lincoln] is undoubtedly the greatest evil that has ever befallen this country."

Are you kidding me? And before Lincoln took an oath the Union had gone from 34 states to 27. Some people really hated him - insanely!

Robert Toombs, the Confederate Secretary of State, told Jefferson Davis that firing on Fort Sumpter was "at this time suicide, murder, and will lose us every friend at the North. You will wantonly strike a hornet's nest which extends from mountain to ocean, and legions now quiet will swarm out and sting us to death. It is unnecessary; it puts us in the wrong; it is fatal."

But like most Southerners, an Alabama secessionist J.G. Gilchrist told the Confederate Secretary of War, Leroy P. Walker, "that unless you sprinkle blood in the face of the people of Alabama, they will be back in the old Union in less than ten days."

To have this kind of hatred, plus a bloody, deadly, costly civil war in our past, and knowing that a torn country was brought back together, gives me great hope in this time of high prices for everything, fear and hatred of politicians. We can overcome differences and enlighten our minds to the point of forgiveness like every family who lost something in that surprisingly tragic fight for, among other things, rights, unity, and freedom.

Thank you kindly for showing us how gentlemen should act!

15 June 2008

Shuttle Shuffle

This place is CRAZY!

Perhaps you've been here to fight the traffic, parking, people, lack of customer service and security. In addition to those nightmares, it also happens to be far, far away from my home. And when there is a flight at 6:00am that you can't miss, the drive (and everything else) seem so much nastier.

So, on Friday when I was dreading this early morning escapade through LA on Monday morning, my co-workers saved my bacon! They told me of this service (that apparently everyone knows about) that would pick me up whenever I wanted to make it to my flight on time, deliver me and my bags to the airport, and then pick me up when I got back to take me home!

Yes, Super Shuttle is the way to travel - to an airport like LAX. On the way there I slept from 1:15am to 2:30am in the van. I didn't even have to worry about parking or traffic! I then fell asleep on the floor (eww) next to the escalator that led to the security screening area, because they don't open until 4:00am. Jerks. I read and dosed off on the planes to my destination and arrived hungry, but not tired. Yea!

The way home was nice as well. I didn't sleep but met some interesting people! I met a newlywed lawyer for parents who lose their children to Social Services and a couple who had been in Europe for 24 days. And my work paid for it! Thank you kindly Super Shuttle!

Can I hear an "Amen?"

12 June 2008

Freelance Jesica

Check it out! Jesica is livin' the dream! Props to her on her new endeavors. My hope is to some day spend all of my time answering questions about my wife's brilliant writing!

More importantly for this site, though, is the help that she can bring by telling the world stories of inspiration!

Keep Writing Jes and making people smile!

03 June 2008

Kyle in Class

Before I start an ode to my friend Kyle (who I may have neglected), I have to quickly apologize to my minute amount of readers for my absence. Sorry. I'll do better...maybe.

So, my Sheriff Deputy friend has a special knack for stating the obvious. In fact, it was always enjoyable to sit down the row from him in a lecture hall just to hear his retorts to hair-brain, idiotic responses/questions from other students in the room.

It was always better to sit down the row, because if you sat next to him you couldn't pay attention to the professor or would get in trouble for talking because they never suspected the deputy. However, in our World of Islam class there was no getting around it. And one day in class we received a note from somewhere in the room that read something like this:

"We paid good money for this class to learn how to coexist with Muslims. We want to better understand their religion and why they do the things they do. What we didn't pay for was your meaningless banter and loud voice - Shut up or go home" and other mean stuff...etc.

I couldn't help but laugh. I guess they didn't know Kyle at all! Or maybe they didn't think that he paid for the class too. Why did they think we were there? Whatever it was, it was fun to see Kyle's response. I never thought a paper being ripped up and sent to the trash can "air mail" could be so entertaining. In addition, he probably got better grades than they did, even though he "wasn't listening". That is amazing about Kyle, too. I never thought that he read or did homework or anything and he'd come to class and get A's all the time. Amazing.
Kyle is one of a kind. I sat next to him at graduation (by choice-I'm glad that we didn't have to worry about alphabetical order junk) and he spoke of his plans for the future and his family. I was awed by his concern for his family and especially his wife. He sent me a picture of the MoVal Tornado a few days ago and because of his comments about his wife, family and dog, my first question via text was about his family.

So, that's Kyle - our friendly neighborhood deputy - in a very brief history. There are so many more instances which could be recited. I asked our friend Ed to describe him in one word. "That's just not possible," Ed responded.
Here's to you Kyle! Your colorful verbiage and your knack for telling it how it is has made me a more rounded and open-minded person! I'll be forever grateful!

21 February 2008

Hometown Representing?

Home is defined by many different things. I've told my wife that home is wherever she and I sleep together (no I don't mean that sexually). Now, my home is in the USA. I could be more specific, but this is the Internet. However, Bartlesville will always be home to me. If you doubt this statement examine the next sentence. I still have my Alma Mater's website (BHS) on my Links bar at the top of my browser...really!
Any time I watch TV or hear the news about anything in Oklahoma, I get giddy. Yes, I said it: Giddy!

Just look at some of the most famous people from OK (and if you don't know them, let me slap you around):

If you don't know them - shame on you! However, some people you may not know yet are "representing" in current reality TV shows: American Idol and America's Next Top Model.

Alaina Whitaker from American Idol looks strangely similar to my personal favorite American Idol Winner (pictured above - and yes she is my personal favorite because she is from Oklahoma not just because she's attractive), but what is more incredible is that she, too, is from OK. She just lives further west than that blond bombshell did.
Then there is Amis from ANTM. She is actually from my home town!

I got home for lunch today and the first thing Jesica said to me was, "There is a girl on here from Bartlesville!" I didn't even take off my shoes. I just sat on the couch and scanned the women surrounding Tyra for someone I knew. I thought I might know her. Every time I go into the Super Wal-Mart I see at least 3 people I know...even after living in So Cal for 8 years!
There is a problem though. Not everyone in Bartlesville is like Amis. So, when she was shown to say some incredibly quirky things I was thoroughly embarrased, wishing that she hadn't given Bartlesville as her hometown. So, here is a shout-out to Amis:

If you don't like your hometown, say you're from somewhere else and save me the shame of having to explain why someone from there would be so full of condemnation for a city I love...jerk.

20 February 2008

My Sad Realization

This evening while watching the phenomenom that is American Idol and listening to '60s songs for two days in a row, I realized that my chance to be on the show is slowing drifting away.

I'm sure that this came about for one of two reasons:
1. My voice really isn't that good. I'm not a soloist really, just a great bass.
2. The fact that I can't even sing along with these people without my wife plugging her ears.

I've missed you blogging world. Welcome back to my life...